Dark Matter Matters

A poem prompted by astrophysics and language.

Miguel Adrover
1 min readSep 18, 2020


Bottom left inset: The highest level of magnification revealed tiny yellow blobs, or Earth-mass dark matter haloes as they would appear in the universe today. “ Credit: J. Wang, S. Bose/CfA. Source: https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/imagelist/2020-21

when words fall short…
happens with all utterance;
they’re clumsy signs of experience —

but they happen,
a pesar de entropías
& promethean promises.

no word can grasp unknowing,
but they happen,
a pesaL de quedaLse coLtas.

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Miguel Adrover
Miguel Adrover

Written by Miguel Adrover

SP & EN | poetry | society | teaching | science | tech https://about.me/oniricvonnegut

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